
Hello, I'm Taylor - Aspiring YA Fantasy Author and Editor.

I'm passionate about helping writers develop the stories of their heart into completed novels capable of stirring emotion, creating curiosity, and delivering a satisfying payoff.In addition to holding a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in English, I've taken in-person writing intensives, on-line writing webinars, and I've worked with an award winning traditionally published YA author on my own novel.

How to Sell a Novel

In 2021, I attended New York Times Bestselling author Karen Kingsbury's Believe Writing Intensive.Over the course of three days, I learned what elements make a book a bestseller. My manuscript landed in the top 5% of 120 attendees, and I received personal feedback from Karen.Do you need assistance summarizing your 300 page novel into a single sentence, a paragraph, or a 2-3 page synopsis? I've had lots of practice in this area, and I'd love helping you create a tight, clean, and engaging story pitch to use at conferences or in a query letter.Services & Costs
Story Pitch - $20 CAD
Back Cover Blurb - $20 CAD
One Page Query Letter - $25 CAD
Two to Three Page Synopsis - $45 CAD

Conquer the Book Proposal & Sample Chapters

In the spring of 2023, I approached award winning YA author Sara Ella to edit my book proposal, and sample chapters.After working with Sara, I feel confident I can help other writers conquer the challenges and questions surrounding book proposals and sample chapters. After all, this is the first impression of you as a potential author to agents and editors.Services & Costs
Book Proposal (single spaced)
- First Ten Pages - $200 CAD flat rate.
- Additional Pages - $10 CAD per page.
Sample Chapters (double spaced)
- 7,500 words - $225 CAD or
$0.03 CAD per word.

Content Edit with Confidence

I've recently completed the Self-Editing course with Brandes Fiction Fellowship created and taught by award winning YA author Nadine Brandes.Do you need help with plot, character arcs, or worldbuilding? If so, I would love to help you navigate your content edit. This is the first edit to tackle once you've completed a first draft.Services & Costs
Free Trial - First 5 Pages.
Partial Content Edit - $0.03 CAD per word.
Full Content Edit - $0.03 CAD per word.

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